Monday, March 23, 2009

gmg: skinny jeans

Jeans... they're versatile, durable, and comfortable. So why am I posting? Because ever since my high school days "comfortable" morphed into "tight" and now jeans not only gmg, they gmb*!!  *ballz

I miss the baggy Oprah jeans. They fit like sweat pants and didn't cause boxers to ride up. Now boxer briefs are the norm unless you roll commando style and risk "pulling" a something-about-mary. Whether you wear Diesels, True Religion, or Rock & Republic *ahem jonathan* one thing is for sure: prepare for pain!

To summarize, skinny jeans should only belong on hot girls. Agree?? Ok... so now instead of my original pic of Megan Fox wearing jeans, here's a cool video.


  1. what you HAVE skinny jeans! & what else would you wear with plaid shirts + wayfarers
    ps. gmb = tmi

  2. hehe do u like how i threw in those brands as keywords... now our ugly google ad is for true religion instead of dyson ;-)

  3. So I shouldn't get skinny jeans then? Why is everyone telling me to get designer jeans?! What do you think?

  4. skinny jeans are okay for sexy mario-lopez-types like you. just not for me!
