Monday, March 16, 2009

GMG reviews: Heroes

I'm conflicted. I've been watching this little show called "Heroes" and it's alright. Yep, it's okay. But as with most decent shows (i.e. not "the hills"), once I found episodes online suddenly Arthur Petrelli not only absorbed powers, he absorbed my time!!

In a week Flora & I watched an entire volume in crappy youtube quality. Technically, she fell asleep before the finale (it was past her 8pm bedtime) but nothing... not even 72-minute-quota-interruptions... could stop me! It was 1am when Sylar *spoiler warning* killed Arthur and I was like "OMGWTFBBQ I must continue" and now I am falling asleep at work.

Addictive TV shows really grind my gears. They think they're so clever with their engrossing plots and dramatic cliffhangers! Maybe I need Hiro Nakamura's power so I could redo the weekend...

or maybe I need the power to resist Heroes!!


  1. what!!!! sylar killed arthur!!!!!

  2. hehe that was a weak spoiler warning eh? does that grind your gears??

  3. your spoiler alert is so short!! eyes move faster than brain :(
